Example of Remote Loading

Examples of
Remote Loading and Transloading

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Remote loading and transloading are terms that can be confusing. To help us all understand the difference and the importance of both, below are some examples.

Special Thanks to Karry

Special thanks to Karry for these examples!

Example of Remote Loading

You have a web site at 'homepages.com'

I have a web site at 'tripod.com'

You like my village gif, the graphic of the village at the top of this page. You remote load this graphic to your directory at 'homepages.com' by embedding, or direct linking, the following code on your web site or in your email like this:

(img src="http://members.tripod.com/DearBsite/village.jpg")

This graphic still lives in my (Dear B's) directory, so you are remote loading.

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Example of Transloading

You have a web site at 'homepages.com'

I have a web site at 'tripod.com'

You like my village gif, the graphic of the village at the top of this page. You transload it to your directory at homepages.com through Star Boulevard, Domania Freeloader, or another online transloader service. You then put the code on your web site like this:

(img src="http://members.homepages.com/YourSite/village.jpg")

This image now lives and is saved in your directory files at your homepage server and is NOT remote loading.

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I hope this helps in better understanding the difference
in remote loading and transloading.

For more information about this subject, see the article written for the HPO Newsletter. This article explains what is happening, why it is happening, and why you must help.

You may find help to learn how to transload at ADHHH. Simply click here and then click on 'Helpers' on the sidebar. You will see where you can request help in learning how to transload.

Remember: Even if you don't have a web site/homepage, if you direct link to any site for a gif or graphic, then you are remote loading. It is costing someone money! Will you help stop this remote loading? Thanks!

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Have Additional Comments or Questions? Email Dear B

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