Meet George

Meet Guest Author

George, 100% WebTVer

Hello, my name is George and I am from Brooklyn, New York. I am a chauffer for a company called Big Apple Car. I got my WebTV three years ago. It was an inexpensive way to have access to the internet.

I do not have a computer and I do not know how to use one. WebTV is enough for me. WebTV is addicting, in a nice way. I have met lots of nice people. I met my partner in many internet projects, Mary [Seagull5], on the internet.

I met with some WebTVers that I have met on the internet. The first meeting was held in Staten Island, NY, and we had dinner in a nice Italian restaurant. The second meeting with other WebTVers was held in New Jersey. We ate in a Chinese restaurant. I am only in contact with Mary and Joan [Reled] these days.

If I had one tip for newbies, it would be that HTML might look hard in the beginning, but just practice and do not give up. There are HTML newsgroups who have members that are glad to help newbies. You can learn HTML.

I have not been known to be talented in art. Through my use of my WebTV and learning HTML, I have been able to be artistic in the creation of my homepages. So far, I have fourteen homepages. Those homepages include:

In addition to the homepages, and with my partner, Mary, I have started two newsgroups:

alt.discuss.anything.friendly and

We gave away the leadership in the homepage opinions newsgroup due to the lack of time. We have nothing to do with it anymore.

Mary and I also started the HPO International Webring. To date, we have over 400 homepages listed.

We started the alt.discuss.anything.friendly group because we noticed that most of the newsgroups had trolls and a lot of flaming. We did not want to be in groups like that. Our solution to trolls and flamers is to ignore them and let them go away.

Between my many homepages, the newsgroup and the web ring, I have very little time to do anything else online. Mary and I are proud that the anything.friendly newsgroup has the nicest people posting. We would also like to invite all to visit us. We hope to see you soon!


Editor's Note:

The word 'friendly' suits the cyberfriend George has been to me and many, many other WebTV users. Do visit his homepages, newsgroup, and get to know him. I bet, George, that your work with the public has made you into one who easily makes friends on the internet, right? Whatever the reason, all I know is that George, of Brooklyn, NY, is definitely one of the best!

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