The purpose of this website
is to extend friendship to WebTV users and to have a WebTV users exclusively advice site.
It's an interactive site for information, sharing, and helping one
another in using WebTV more effectively and in building homepages more creatively, in
addition to personal advice.
When you have no one to ask, it is hoped you will think of this site.
It's a WebTV village created to make every effort to respond personally and to assist you
on the internet.
Questions you may have about submitting a letter or how to best use this
site are answered here.
Don't miss the 'Disclaimer Statement' at the bottom of this page.
Frequently Asked
- How do I submit a question for advice?
Simply by clicking on the 'Email Dear B' on the navigation signpost. Click on 'Submit A
Question' at the bottom of each secondary page. You will be notified when your email has
been received.
- How will I receive my reply to the
letter I submit?
You will receive a direct reply. Do not delete your username until
you have received your reply. It is not necessary for you to send more than one email.
Your letter will be answered as soon as possible. If you do not want your question posted,
please state that you don't want your question or reply/answer posted on the 'Letters'
- Will my letter for advice really be
Yes, as confidential as possible by the author of this site. It is
not the intention of Dear B to embarrass, defame, abuse or hurt anyone in any way. This
applies to the Private Mailing List; your privacy will be honored. This is an advice page
by a fellow WebTV user. Each letter will be read, answered and promptly discarded. You
will not be contacted by Dear B in the future, unless you submit another letter requiring
a reply.
- What other information may I ask you?
You may ask about anything. The author of this site may not know, but will make every
effort to assist you in finding out what you want to know regarding anything. If you can't
be helped here, then you'll be told that you can't be helped.
- How often are the letters or other
pages updated?
All areas
at this site are updated monthly.
- How can I become a guest author or
contribute something to this page?
Simply click on 'Email Dear B' on the signpost or 'Submit a Question' at the bottom of each page or at any link where it asks you to mail Dear B throughout the site. You are encouraged to contribute your
skills, knowledge, and/or good sites you find on the internet to be shared here.
- May I link to this site?
Yes, information is here to link to this site, along with a selection of banners to use, if needed.
The Dear B logo, background and the navigational signpost are original creations and are the only graphics you are asked not to use. You will find acknowledgments and credits here to both of these artists, and to others who contribute to this site.
Disclaimer Statement
This is a free advice site
like many others. The author is not a psychiatrist, psychologist, guidance counselor or a
social worker. The author is not responsible for your words or actions.
advice given is to be interpreted as the kind of advice you would get from a friend, parent, peer, etc., only. No one is in any way liable for the consequences of following any advice given except you.