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Each month a featured guest author can be
found here. Get to know some of 'the best WebTV users on the net.' This month's guest author is:
Tboob, The Bald One of Brooklyn!
Are you interested in music, cats, holiday slideshows and cards? Don't miss meeting The Bald One of Brooklyn! He is armed with both a WebTV and a computer that has resulted in an excellent site he shares here. His heart remains, however, with the WebTV community which brought him into cyberspace several years ago. He offers his many talents and interests to the WebTV community, so get to know him. He may have something you will enjoy, can use, or simply put a smile on your face for today. He is one of the best!
B's WebTV Tip
Topic: WebTV Specific Help
Do not forget WebTV's Help Center when you have a specific question about WebTV. The Help Center contains accurate, general information, including any latest news applicable to your WebTV use. Most general questions have already been asked and answered and can be easily found there.
You will find the online Help Center at your WebTV Homepage in the upper right-hand corner where it says simply "Help." Click on that link to be taken to a Main Index. From there you can find answers, email WebTV personnel if you do not find an answer, or search further by clicking on "Find An Answer" at the top of each screen.
It is advisable to become familiar with the WebTV Online Help Center and to use this handy resource first. It is often overlooked as your best source of information. Keep it in mind next time!
Interested in more WebTV tips? Visit the WebTV Tips Archives.
The information below is primarily for help to WebTV users in building homepages; however, there are resources listed that are of interest to both WebTV users and computer users. These are places this site has found helpful.
This information progresses from HTML help, to understanding why and how to transload, to finding gifs, graphics, backgrounds, to html help and tools, to music, to awards and web rings, to a site that checks your completed work plus more to help you.
- Recommended Reading
The book, entitled 'WebTV for Dummies,' is highly recommended by this site owner. Check it out and order it now to learn more about HTML for WebTV.

Sale $15.99 Click on the book gif to order it today!
- HTML Help
For all the basics plus more, look to Paul Erickson's site. Good information is here; a great starting place.
Don't miss Draac's place either. It too has it all, html and gifs and more.
Another excellent tutorial for those with homepages, or considering homepages, at Tripod and/or Geocities is Net4TV Homesite 101. Check it out!
If you need a quick answer about html in general or WebTV specifically, then Stump The Monkey is where you want to
go. This is a private message center where you can use the search engine to find your answers. Another private message center can be found at WarpspeedHelp.
- Transloading and Its Importance
you don't understand why it is important to transload, then find out why. It is important!
or to learn
how to transload, then don't miss this site that gives specific information for you to
or to see how this site owner explains both transloading and remote loading and the difference between the two, go to the WebTV Tips archives here at this site and look at the examples. This is very important. Check it out!
- B's Free Gifs/Backgrounds
Take a
look at B's selection of free gifs and backgrounds for your use.
Most of these were on this homepage at one time or were considered. Don't forget to
transload them to your site if you find one you want to use.
- Other Free Gif/Background Sites
these excellent places for more gifs and graphics for your homepage.
If looking for unique and unusual gifs, graphics and backgrounds, check out Free Graphics 4 Webbers as it is one of the best.
A must see place is Sanfords who is a
computer user but kindly displays his gifs/graphics specifically for WebTV users for easy
Check out Deb-29s Corner-Bg Depot! for corner backgrounds for your email signature.
Dare to visit Dare to
Dream where you will find excellent gifs/graphics for your homepage.
Not just one site, but a second, at Dare to Dream II where you will
find even more.
Another with an interesting entrance to great gifs, go to The SoHo Gif Shops .
Visit the Paris Cafe
too for something you need.
For holiday items, check out Happy
Holidaze by ~Rexy . Rexy does original work to share with others....all free.
She too has a second site at Come
Set with Me , her personal park. Again, all original creations.
More holiday gifs can be found at Pa Robs Holiday Graphics and here
you find gifs for all holidays.
Don't miss Rainbow's
World where you'll find lots of lovely things.
- Free Banner and Awards Made for You
custom made banners and awards, be sure to visit High Power Graphics. It may take a few days,
but you'll get top quality, personalized banners/awards here.
Professional artists offer their talents free at The Logo Collective.
- Other Homepage Help Sites
Don't miss Karen's Tutorial Collection which contains 60 different tutorials such as how to use Image Magick, do thumbnails and make your own backgrounds, lines and banners and much more.
Looking for music for your site? Here's WebTV's Hot 100 Music Sites where you may find what you are looking for. Don't miss the Radio Stations on WebTv either.
For links
of all kinds regarding homepages and homepage help, check out Alt.Discuss Homepage Helpers Homepage, too. Check
out the sidebar and you will find you can sign up for private tutoring and/or help with
your homepage; find links to sites for gifs and graphics; and much more. Help and
information is only a click away here!
Check out Bruce's links to some of the best pages on specific topics. There is a wealth
of information linked to his
menu so be sure to explore it all.
There are numerous WebTV only newsgroups where you can learn more about homepage building and about any subject, group you wish. These newsgroups cannot be accessed by computer users. This listing includes all newsgroups, including HTML and homepage building groups.
- Gif and Web Tools Web Rings
and explore these gif/graphic/web tools only web rings, by and for WebTV users, to find
everything you could ever need to build a homepage.
First is WebTV Tools Webring and next is The Webtv Gif Site Webring. You may join these rings only if you have a gif/graphic/web tools homepage.

- Award and Web Ring Information
you completed your homepage, but need an Award? Here's the place to find many of the Award Sites available.
Simply find the one you like and apply.
If you want to consider joining a WebTV Web Ring then
don't miss this listing here at this site.
- Free Homepage Checkup
At NetMechanic you can double check your efforts by
having them check your site 'free' for bad links, spelling, html errors and more. Do take
advantage of this wonderful site!